Dry hair can be pretty bad to deal with. It’s frizzy and unmanageable. If you’ve got dry hair then you’ll be interested in how to get rid of it. Before knowing how to get rid of it it’s important to … Continue reading
Dry hair can be pretty bad to deal with. It’s frizzy and unmanageable. If you’ve got dry hair then you’ll be interested in how to get rid of it. Before knowing how to get rid of it it’s important to … Continue reading
You know I have struggled with acne for many years. It was not an easy battle but eventually you can overcome it. One thing I learnt from those years is that to win you need to know the underlying causes. … Continue reading
Cyberbullying is essentially when you are bullied, or harassed, online or with some other device like a phone. It’s just as distressing as “real” bullying and a large number of people suffer from it. I have many friends who had … Continue reading
If you’re a fan of a nice tan then you might not want to hear it, but tanning is bad for you and it’s bad for your skin. UV tanning is especially bad. I don’t like it and if you … Continue reading
If you’re the type of person that takes your beauty seriously then there are places you need to go and products you need to buy. You know you need to choose your cosmetics wisely. Everyone knows about the many beauty … Continue reading
When it comes to vitamins, the one that immediately comes to mind for most people is Vitamin C, but what do we really know about it? Sure, it’s an essential vitamin for everyone and can be found in fruits like … Continue reading
Vitamin C is one of the best antiaging actives for younger, fresher, brighter skin. It helps to boost skin collagen production and skin elasticity. It also helps to reverse age related skin damage It neutralizes free radicals ( it protects … Continue reading
It’s not an easy thing looking in the mirror when you’re a teenage girl. By the time your teen years hit, puberty is in full swing, and the daily battle against acne begins.
I got my first pimple when I was ten years old.
Little did I know that single red dot pushing up from my forehead would be joined by an army of cohorts, all trying to get the best spot on my freshly mottled skin.
It was a harsh reality that slowly crept its way into my life, as it has for most every teenager.
So began a futile attempt to banish acne from my face that would last well into my late teen years.
Every morning involved a heavy dose of anti-acne medications, a thorough face wash and moisturizing routine, and a breakfast wholesome in foods that supposedly prevented breakouts. Nothing seemed to work; I was at my wit’s end.
I was getting tired of spending what seemed like hundreds of dollars on acne products and seeing no results.
If acne does anything well, it’s lowering your self esteem.
How are you supposed to catch the eye of that cute boy at your school if your face looks like a badly baked pizza?
You walk around the school like you’re some sort of leper, turning away from people’s gaze like Dracula hissing at dreaded rays of sunlight.
Those cute fuzzy mirrors you had on your locker door are gone, stuffed under the mound of books that you use to shield your face while in class.
You don’t actually read them, but they make good cover.
Senior year calmed down a little bit.
By that time, I had learned how to properly use makeup to cover up most of my blemishes. Hormones were beginning to settle down, giving me some reprieve from massive breakouts and embarrassing trips to the school nurse.
I even had a couple dates with a guy from my math class who had asked me to prom. I slowly started to gain my self esteem back and realized that my acne didn’t define me. By graduation, my stress levels had lowered, and I noticed my skin starting to clear up a bit. It was time for college.
My college years saw a further decrease in acne levels, as well as an increase in dates as my confidence grew.
Now that I’m 25, my skin is all cleared up. Simply because I stopped trying to fight it, using harsh products with high doses of peroxyl benzoyl. I wish I had read those acne reviews with zenmed or exposed sooner because I did use proactiv skincare in my teens years. These reviews confirmed my hunch about acne. Using very agressive treatments is not always the best way to handle it… It can even backfire….
My advice to teenage girls is to be patient; acne won’t go away overnight, but it does eventually get better with proper acne skincare.
Just remember that it’s a natural part of life. It sucks, but it’s something you have to go through. Your teenage years don’t have to be defined by acne. There’s much more to the best years of your life than that, so do the best you can in the meantime. Your adult self will thank you.
Hi, if you read my article about microdermabrasion , you know I fell in love with another beauty blog run by 2 awesome people, myawesomebeauty.com. I subscribed to their newsletter and found out they published a super post about body wraps. I had always heard about them but never really took the time to dig deeper.
well, I did this time and I am thrilled and absolutely want to talk about it.
You know that relaxing spa trips can rejuvenate your body, mind and spirit, but they can also drain your wallet, especially it is already very thin….
It’s hard to relax when you know that a detoxifying mud bath is going to cost you more than your monthly mobile phone bill.
Luckily, there are at-home solutions for treatments that help to reinvigorate you just like at a professional spa. One of the most popular and healthful treatments is using a body wrap. What seems like a self-mummification technique is actually a great way to heal your body while having a relaxing afternoon in your own homemade spa space.
Body wraps are essentially herbal treatments that are applied your skin for a certain purpose, such as detoxifying the skin, healing or slimming the body.
The most common way to do a body wrap is to apply your herbal mixture directly onto your skin and then put wrapping over it, but you can also soak the wrappings in the solution before you apply them. This method saves you time, but it can also be much messier. Either way, the effects will still be the same when using the body wrap.
There are essentially three different types of body wraps: 1) Detox wraps, 2) Healing wraps, and 3) Slimming wraps. Each has their own function, and the types of ingredients for each one vary.
Body wraps use a few healthy ingredients that are easy to find and easy to use, so instead of going to the spa, you can make your own at home. You can find loads of recipes on the internet for the different kinds of wraps; here’s one recipe for a body wrap for you to try out at home that I got from myawesomebeauty.com ! They have plenty of them.
Ingredients :
1 cup bentonite or green clay
1/4 cup sea salt
2 tbsp. olive oil
2 cups water
My sister tried it with me, it was super fun to do ( a bit messy ) but we love the results. it is like a mini sauna to detox. we bothe felt very “light” and relaxed. My skin was super smooth and clean. it is basically a mask for your body that I will do probably every week.
if you try it, please share your results 😉
Beauty is about enhancing what you have. Let yourself shine through. – Janelle Monae